Lu Jun (Zhuhai)()

陆军,1962生于湖北,1983年毕业于武汉理工大学,“数字水墨”创始人,职业艺术家,曾参加国际和国内的艺术展览逾百次。2015年受Apple公司邀请参加开启一份新意,作为唯一受邀的中国艺术家,为Apple创作数字水墨长卷青山白云飞2016年作品在全球所有Apple Store 展览。三次分别获佛罗伦萨当代艺术双年展摄影类双年展金奖、雕塑类铜牌奖、数字艺术类银牌奖,入选英国MOT出版的全球100位创造性天才艺术家,二次获平遥国际摄影大展优秀摄影师奖。


Born 1962 in Hubei, China, Lu Jun is a professional artist and the founder of “Digital Ink” painting. He graduated from Wuhan University of Technology in 1983 and has participated in over a hundred art exhibitions in China and overseas. In 2015, he was the only Chinese artist invited by Apple to participate in its “Start Something New” campaign, and his contribution is a digital ink landscape called Clouds Capture the Mountains, which was exhibited in Apple Stores around the world in 2016. The awards he’s won include Gold Prize in Photography, Bronze Prize in Sculpture and Silver Prize in Digital Art at three separate versions of Florence Biennale, and Excellent Photographer Awards at two versions of Pingyao International Photography Festival. He was honored as one of the world’s top 100 artists – Creative Genius: 100 Contemporary Artists (2009), by Masters of Today Limited in London, England.

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