He Yunchang (Beijing)()

1967年出生于云南,1991年毕业于云南艺术学院油画专业。从90年代开始创作行为艺术,他早期的作品带有浓郁抒情色彩,比如《与水对话》、《金色阳光》。2000年以后,何云昌作品中的庞大体量与他所指的无效性、无为看似相悖,实则浪漫宽广。比如《石头英国漫游记》中他耗费一百多天的时间徒步约 3500 公里经过英伦三岛的海岸线,将一块随意拾起的石头放回海岸。又如他的《一根肋骨》浪漫色彩与血肉交织的过程直接呈现。 



Born 1967 in Yunan, China, He Yunchang graduated from the Department of Oil Painting at Yunnan Arts University in 1991. He started making performance art in the 1990s and his early pieces are highly lyrical as in Dialogue with Water and Golden Sunshine. After 2000, the massiveness of his work seems inconsistent with his pursuit of ineffectiveness and inaction, but actually it reflects his romanticism and broadness. In The Rock Tours around Great Britain, for example, he traveled about 3500 kilometers on foot over a hundred days along the perimeter of Great Britain, to return a rock to where he picked it up randomly on the coast. Another example, his One Rib, presents directly the intertexture of romanticism and flesh and blood.

He Yunchang refers to his practice as a form in distinction to the sense of “performance” as acting. He devotes himself into it and connects with the current reality, which is summarized by Andrew Brewerton as a “human scale”.

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